Monday, November 2, 2009


So like... i had FHE tonight. It was supposed to be really fun. We combined with another stake in Mountain Green, and learned how to Cha Cha and Swing.....don't be julous.
I was so excited to dance with some hunky men. yeah until I got paired with (we will call him Robert.) Oh robert.
If you ask him, he is a PRO.
we Cha Cha'd the night away until finally we got paired with other other people.
this is how it went dooowwwn from then on.

Hi my name is Kelsie.
no Kelsie.
me: I can't dance, I think I have two left feet.
man: oh.....sorry?
me: uh thanks, sir.

me: I'll just stand here and pick my nostril.
man: I'll go find me another partner now.

Giddy up!

oh and I got punched in the face when I was getting twirled around. It was probably the highlight of the night. I think the man thought I was mental because I was laughing so hard.
Normal people would've probably cried at that moment in time from such serious pain.
But not I.
Nope I laughed.
is that weird?
well sorry, you're just gonna have to deal. with . that.


haley said...

that's so funny! i love it, i had to read it a few times...but nice 1

haley said...

that's so funny! i love it, i had to read it a few times...but nice 1