So things are happening.
Today I was putting some shine serum on Zions hair because i had straightened it, and if any of you know ethnic hair, you know it absorbs like no other, seriously right after you wash it, if you dab it with a towel it's dry, but that's not the point, the point is, i had to put a lot of serum in to make her hair shiny. so now that i've used 1/4 of the bottle I have all this excess stuff on my hands so what do i do? I think...."you know how all these celebrities have shiny legs? I wonder how they do it. Oh! maybe they use like shine serum!"
So i apply it to my legs.
and the balls of my feet, because they are ruff, and me being fun, think if i put shiny stuff on them, that they will be soft. yep. no.
so i proceed to stand up and go downstairs to get some beans for my mother.
i start heading down the stairs and see a towel that i told zion to go put in my bathroom. but i decide to just kick it down the stairs since it is haley's towel anyways.
so...i kick.
and it was like a banana was placed at that very moment under my foot.
so...i slipped.
boy did i slip.
i slipped down to the 2 step.
I kept thinking. i'm going to stop, but i just seemed to keep going.
As i reached pretty much the bottom of the stair case, an overwhelming pain comes to my body. exact location would be my back (where they shingles are) and my upper arm.
by this time my mom is at my side because she heard the thud thud thud. and zion is above me, telling me " it's ok kels, i'll go get you an ice pack stay there".
I am dying of laughter. but i am crying.
my arm is throbbing, and my back? well it was in a crap load of unecessary pain.
so needless to say, i wont be applying any shine serum to my feet anytime soon, i will just keep it to my legs.
but now i will leave you of some lame pictures.
it was much worse at the time of the accident, but now the bruise has dwindled, but the pain still reminds me of it's precence.
so if you look really hard you might be able to see some slight discoloration.
and my arm looks retarded because i was trying to take a picture of the back of my arm by my self. it's really hard.
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