Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nice ASSests (sorry that was naughty)

So I go to college. News to me!
As I'm walking on campus every Tuesday and Wednesday, I get a glimpse of this.
Why yes...... I did draw that on iDoodle.......and yes, it is a bum.
Now your asking yourself, "she see's a bum two days a week?"
why yes, yes I do.
It makes me feel funny. Like a nauseous/ I wanna pass out feeling.
So there is this fellow. His name is unknown so we shall call him Arbuckle.
Arbuckle walks on campus dressed like this: a jeans skirt ( you know the ones the girls make out of literal jeans, except he is missing the front and back of the skirt. It just goes down on the sides), Pink hair placed on top of his head in little pigtails, and a scrumptious goatee.
I will assume that Arbuckle is wearing a man thong ( go ahead sing The Thong Song, I know you want to) because who doesn't wear underwear? So I have to do a double take every now and then and make sure that i'm seeing things correctly. and much to my dismay I am. there it is a FULL moon. just staring at me. So I just frolic away pretending that my eyes did not just behold that.
I think it is illegal for him to do that, is it not? I mean public indecency much?
One day I will snap a picture of it and place it all over Facebook......JUSTT KID_DING.


haley said...

I say....fb it! now!

Stephanie said...

I don't get it. Take a pic.

he is missing the front and back of the skirt? like chaps for cowboys?

Anonymous said...

Yes like chaps.
I will try to snag a picture.