Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Holy Moses!

So I'm rather obsessed with a couple blogs right now. One of which would be BusyBeeLauren. I got a call from my Bestie Marissa Mikami this morning, and she decided that she would share some news with me.
the conversation goes as fallows

me: hey what's up
Marissa: nothin just walking to class
me: cool
Marissa: guess what?!
me: what?
Marissa: Guess who is fallowing me on Twitter?!
me:idk who?
marissa: guess!
me: boy or girl?
marissa: oh you'll never guess! BusyBeeLauren!
me:what?!?!?!?!?!?! NO!
marissa: yeah!

and the convo continues.......I was SOOO jealous! Why couldn't she fallow me? Buggers!

So after being saddened all day because the celebrity mormon blogger wasn't fallowing me. pity me.

I was driving home from work and I get a call from marissa. she is flippin
marissa: did you know that Mormon Bachelor Pad commented on your blog?
me: what?!?!?!1 I'm flipping out!
me: what post?!
marissa: how did they comment on your blog?
me: i don't know! What post did they comment on?!
marissa: do you know them? how did they find you?
me: no i do not know them.....you're jealous!
marissa: yes I am.

and the convo continues.......

this is what he posted on my post. it was the tyra post fyi

Mormon Bachelor Pad said...
In Jr. High, I was holding this kids feet while he was doing sit-ups. Every time he'd do a sit-up, he'd strain a little too hard and a small peeper fart would slip out. After 10 or so peepers, I was laughing so hard I think I inhaled every ounce of his bum air into my lungs through my mouth.

I still laugh about it when I think about it.

I'm still laughing too! I was dying when I read that.

anyways, now that i'm all mormon blogger starstruck.
i will end this.


Marissa, Taylor and Baby said...

mmm yep i'm jealous.

Unknown said...

P.S. this story is disgusting hilarious.