For all of you who know Steph, you most likely know that she is my sister, well she isn't only my sister, we she is also one of my best friends. I really don't know where I would be in this world if it wasn't for her love and consideration for me. She has helped me through so much in my life, and at one point was willing to give part of herself to me, so that I could continue my life here on earth. Alright, now that the tears have started, shoot. Well to make a long story short, in the Spring of 2004, I was diagnosed with Kidney Failure, and was put on Dialysis, in hopes that my Kidney would regain strenght and start working again. Well as time passed, things started to digress, and my health was suffering. So we talked to the doctors and thought that the best option was to go through with an organ transplant with a family member. My whole family was tested but only one person was a PERFECT match, and that was my beautiful sister Stephanie. She went through all the testing, but she found out that she was pregnant, and wouldn't be able to donate. This was really hard for me, but in the end I recieved two great presents, I got a handsome little nephew whome I adore and miss so so much, and in time I also recieved a brand new Kidney, it wasn't a live donor of course, it was a cadaver. But in the end, I just wanted to let everyone know how lukcy I am to have such a willing sister, that would donate one of her organs to save my life. And I know i can't leave out Haley, Nate, Mom and Dad, my extended family, and even some people I hardly knew even wanted to donate to me, and I am so very thankful for that. But it was Steph, who was the right one for the job, and I hope that one day if it so happens that I need another transplant, that my sister will be there for me like she was in 2004. Even if it isn't to donate, but just for the love a support that i got from her the last time around.
Steph, you are my Hero, and I love you more than you even know, I am so privelaged to have you as my sister and best friend, I will love you for all Eternity, you are my rock and foundation, and make me want to strive to be a better person, and for that I truely admire you. I hope you had a fantastic birthday, and I wish I could have shared it with you. I love you so much.
Happy Happy Birthday Stephy Dear Happy Days Will Come To You All Year, If I Had A Wish Then It Would Be A Happy Happy Birthday To You From Me!